Angel Fire Advocates

Advocates are uniquely keyed and coded to assist with the Missions of Angel Fire.  Advocates use a combination of skills which are most closely aligned with multiple professions, such as, lawyer, guardian ad litem, therapist, alternative healer, and criminal investigator.  Advocates are highly skilled in discernment, specifically around frequency and resonance.  

Through their requisite soul contracts, Advocates will align with one or more of Angel Fire’s Missions. Advocates will have highly specialized skills, excellent communication, and be able to fully commit to the tasks at hand. Due to the extremely high light quotient of Advocates, the work of Angel Fire will move quickly and methodically. Advocates shall seek Divine guidance and always act for the Highest Good of Angel Fire.  

Advocates who are aligned with assisting trafficked individuals, shall have a soul contract which oversees their advocacy. Human trafficking, or modern day slavery, is a crime and those who choose to be involved shall be prosecuted. Trafficked individuals are exploited for labor, sex, organ harvesting, criminal enterprises, medical experimentation, satanic ritual abuse, adrenochrome, and reproduction. Advocates will have profound knowledge regarding human trafficking laws in their respective countries. For example, Advocates in the United States will have direct knowledge about various state and federal laws which operate to assist trafficked individuals and hold those involved in trafficking accountable. Financing from human trafficking implicates numerous crimes such as: money laundering, financing of terrorism, R.I.C.O Act violations, and tax evasion. All Advocates will demonstrate their Divine soul mission to assist trafficked individuals.

Angel Fire Advocates and their families will have Divine protection as Advocates traverse the darkest realms and truths on the Earth Plane.