In 2020, individuals across the planet experienced a dramatic loss of civil rights. The world watched as government officials removed individual freedoms, disregarded constitutional rights, weaponized court processes, unleashed a bio-weapon and then forced it upon the global population, criminalized healing, falsified scientific studies to bolster their actions, looked the other way when businesses terminated their employees for not injecting themselves with the bio-weapon, directed police to arrest people for not adhering to draconian public health orders, forced businesses to close their doors, falsified death rates to instill fear in the population, and many other civil rights abuses. Yet, during the last 200 years, freedom has been slowly and methodically chipped away. Working with shadow governments, officials around the world have been quietly setting the stage for total control over the global population.

We live in a world of government “systems.” There are systems for justice, health care, licensure, taxes, banking, education, traveling, citizenship, employment, and many others. These systems work to control and oppress the populace. In the United States, both state and federal governments created an unlawful 4th branch of government which is referred to as the administrative branch of government. Unelected officials operate with immunity, while making decisions which burden life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In countries such as England, government officials have begun to install surveillance technology so that officials can monitor the populace 24 hours a day 7 days a week. In China, government officials have implemented a social credit system where citizens are given credits for “obeying” the government. These credits can be used to go to work, buy groceries, drive a car, etc. For those who are not inclined to “obey,” they will have a difficult time surviving. This is just a flavor of where governments around the world are headed regarding surveillance and control.

Angel Fire Advocates will assist individuals across the planet who have been abused, oppressed, injured and/or damaged by the “systems.” Advocates will have Divine keys and codes which will enable them to be of service to those who have been harmed. Advocates shall also work with their respective governments to remove systems which control the populace. All Advocates will resonate and align with Universal Law and work tirelessly to implement Universal Law with their communities.