The Four Divine Missions of Angel Fire

The first mission is to assist trafficked individuals, individuals who have endured sexual abuse and exploitation, those who have been forced to harvest their organs, individuals who have braved satanic ritual abuse, as well as those who have experienced emotional or physical abuse.

The second mission involves advocating for individuals who have suffered oppression perpetrated by the System or Systems which that individual has subscribed. Oppression, which is a form of abuse, results in a myriad of injuries. Working within a lawful system, Advocates will facilitate victory for these individuals and oppressors will yield to Divine justice.

The third mission is comprised of the United States tax code. The tax code will undergo a metamorphosis, where it will emerge as an elevated and supportive tool to assist the collective with their ascension.

The fourth mission includes the Angel Fire Healing Centers. Through a global collective of Healing Centers, Healers will support trafficked, abused, and exploited individuals. Healing will integrate, transmute and alchemize trauma, thereby reclaiming an individual’s Divine spark.

Archangel Mika’al asks YOU, the ones reading this website. Visualize peace. Visualize governments that actually have the best interest for the people. Visualize a society that is dedicated and devoted to the advancement of your personal path of spiritual evolution. Visualize a society that works shoulder to shoulder with the galactic community to better this planet and renew its resources. Peace is a reality. It is a reality. It is a frequency. Share it with all that surrounds you. Become a beacon of light and peace. Trust. Trust the process, Trust the effort. Trust the plan. Trust God.

~ and so it is ~