Healing Centers

Angel Fire Healing Centers can be found in various locations across Planet Earth. Yanini, which was the first civilization on Planet Earth, was also the highest frequency civilization. After the Thirteenth Ray of Destruction destroyed Yanini, Planet Earth has been devolving. Using the wisdom of Yanini, Healing Center locations are Divinely aligned with the work and missions of Angel Fire. Located and gridded on key ley lines, the Healing Centers will also assist Planet Earth with her evolution.

The Centers will be built with and from the highest frequency building materials. Yanihian crystals will be intentionally laid within the foundation, walls, and land. Every aspect of the Healing Centers has a Divine purpose. Galactic healing technologies will be utilized within the Centers. Intentionally placed pyramids further assist with integration and healing. Healing Centers shall have land for high frequency bio-dynamic farms and all water will be structured.

Healers shall have a Divine connection to the Missions of Angel Fire and will operate the Healing Centers.  Using a uniquely keyed and coded trauma informed approach, Healers will oversee and assist with alchemizing and transmuting the trauma of trafficked individuals, victims of organ harvesting, survivors of satanic ritual abuse, individuals who have endured sexual exploitation, and physical and emotional abuse.

Healers who specialize in working with children shall utilize, among other modalities, the spiritual teachings of Rudolph Steiner where trauma is integrated and healed from a “whole child” perspective. Through Steiner’s teachings of the “Three Fold Human Being,” Healers will inner-stand the various ways Steiner uses this theme. Placed on a triangle the Three Fold Human is represented with Thinking (Head and Consciousness and Nervous System) at the top of the triangle, the Feeling (Trunk of the Body and Heart and Breathing Systems) which is located on the left side of the triangle, and the Willing (Limbs and Metabolic System) which is located on the right side of the triangle. The triangle may also be representative of Father Mother God, Son Daughter God and Spirit God.

Healing modalities shall ALWAYS be for the Highest Good of the individual.  Through communication with the individual’s Higher Self and Spiritual Guides, a ROUND table approach to healing shall be utilized.  Healers must utilize ANY and ALL healing techniques which are known to the Earth Plane as well as those modalities which are shared from the Galactics. All Healers will resonate and align with Angel Fire due to a soul mission and/or contract.