“I Believe That Banking Institutions Are More Dangerous To Our Liberties Than Standing Armies. If the American People Ever Allow Private Banks To Control the Issue of Their Currency, First By Inflation, Then By Deflation, the Banks and Corporations That Will Grow Up Around Will Deprive the People of All Property Until Their Children Wake-Up Homeless on the Continent Their Fathers Conquered. The Issuing Power Should Be Taken From the Banks and Restored to the People, to Whom it Properly Belongs.”

~ Thomas Jefferson ~

Banking and taxes. These two words mostly conjure up negative feelings in the populace. Our Founding Fathers and Mothers could not have imagined the taxes which Americans are forced to pay. Nor could they have imagined the Federal Reserve Banking System or the “Fed.” The purpose of the Fed has been to keep the ultra-wealthy, ultra-wealthy.

The American people have been unlawfully taxed for quite some time. However, most have never read what the Constitution actually says about taxation. Instead, most have a knowing or a feeling that taxation has become punitive. Yet, the Constitution is clear regarding the limits on federal taxes.

For a federal tax to be considered constitutional, it must align with Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution. Article I, section 9 of the United States Constitution states: “No capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.” Taxes can be lumped into two categories: direct and indirect taxes. Direct taxes are laid upon people and property and are unavoidable taxes.

What are capitations? Capitation taxes are imposed on individuals and are also referred to as “head taxes.” A “head tax” is an unavoidable tax which is levied upon an individual simply because she is living her life. Under Article I, Section 9, Clause 4 and Article I, Section 2, Clause of the Constitution, direct taxes are subject to the rule of apportionment. The Supreme Court has clearly defined capitation taxes—a tax paid by every person, ‘without regard to property, profession, or any other circumstance’—and taxes on real and personal property as direct taxes. Under the rule of apportionment, Congress sets the total amount to be raised by a direct tax, then divides that amount among the states according to each state’s population. Thus, a state with one-twentieth of the Nation’s population would be responsible for one-twentieth of the total amount of direct tax, without regard to that state’s income or wealth levels.

Traditionally, banking and taxes have rarely supported what is referred to as the American Dream. America was built by “underdogs.” Men and women who sacrificed everything for a dream and a chance to Create. Yet, it is difficult, if not impossible, to Create when one is taxed to the hilt.


We are on the precipice of a dramatic shift in taxation. We are on the precipice of a dramatic shift in taxation. We are on the precipice of a dramatic shift in taxation.

Take a moment and imagine a world where individuals are incentivized through taxation. For example, Person A opens a business selling overpriced cheap products which break easily and do not raise the frequency of the Earth Plane. Person A is solely concerned with enriching his own pockets and is thus, “Service to Self.” Alternatively, Person B opens a business premised upon Universal Law, and Creates hand made, high frequency light devices which assist the Earth Plane with its ascension. Person B uses a portion of his proceeds to reinvest into his business, thereby lowering the price of his high frequency light devices for the Collective. Person B’s entire business model is “Service to Others.” Taxes will be levied against those who operate businesses which are “Service to Self” versus businesses which are “Service to Others.”

As the energetic frequencies on the Earth Plane continue to rise, humanity will be required to assess their frequency and the frequency of their lives. Individuals who choose to operate as “Service to Self” will have a significant reduction in available financial resources.

As the tax codes shift, Angel Fire Advocates will be of service to Humanity and are available to accommodate those with “Service to Others” Creations. Advocates will have deep knowledge regarding the tax codes and are uniquely keyed and coded to manage financial wealth. Creations will be Divinely assessed based upon frequency, the number of individuals assisted, how a Creation invests in the Soul of Gaia, and the resulting growth of the Collective.

Many words to declare that you are a sovereign being of light, made at the sacred image of God. Heed these words and you will get to know yourself as the maker of your reality – a true child of God.

~ Lord Mika’al ~