Do We Need Education?

Have you ever considered why we have compulsory education in the United States and other places around the world? Have you ever thought about why the government mandates certain subjects and not others? These are just a few of the many questions which I have pondered since 2020. Education is a topic which evokes strong opinions. As a homeschooling parent who focuses on the teachings of Rudolph Steiner and unschooling, I have come to realize that children do not need to be educated. Instead, children are here to educate us.

Prussian System of Education

The system of education across many developed nations including the United States is modeled after the Prussian education system. The Kingdom of Prussia was birthed out of the Teutonic Order, the Holy Roman Empire and Brandenburg, which included portions of modern-day Poland, Russia, and Lithuania. The Teutonic Order was a Catholic military society founded in 1190 in Jerusalem. The Teutonic Knights served as the Order’s crusading military and used Holy Wars to spread Catholic rule.

The Prussian education system was founded in the 18th century and is a system of compulsory education, by which citizens of a country are mandated to attend school up to a certain level and taxpayers are required to fund the system. With the notion that once completed the student will be fully prepared to enter adulthood. The Prussian education system was first implemented in the United States in 1852 by the Governor of Massachusetts. In the United States the idea of mandatory education and teacher certification was pushed hard by Andrew Carnegie as a necessary component of an evolved society. However, the Prussian education system was created as a solution for social unrest. With an emphasis on obedience and the promotion of long-term order, the Prussian model operates as a societal pacifier.

In the last 60 years, the education system in the United States has become a controlling, bloated, and often times debt enslaving machine which begins in pre-school and continues through college and post-graduate work. Politicians run on compulsory education platforms where they ignorantly proclaim the need for children as young as three to begin their education. Colorado boasts about “Universal Preschool” which the Colorado government describes as “preschool programming.” Universal Preschool is labeled as a “necessary” tool which “assists children with Kindergarten readiness.” This includes reading, spelling and mental health evaluations. Colorado believes that “all children have mental health…even babies” and requires teachers and care providers to evaluate the mental health of children from birth through college.

Regardless of how governments like Colorado “feel” about children as young as three beginning school, the evidence speaks for itself. Compulsory education has not resulted in integrated and healthy children. Instead, compulsory education is akin to an out-of-control herd of elephants mowing down everything in their path. 

Free Play and its Correlation to Mental Health

Since the 1960’s, there has been a continuous and notable increase in depression, anxiety and suicide among those aged 18 and under. At the same time, the wild and free aspects of childhood have declined, and the importance of free play has been exchanged for organized activities. Psychologist Stuart Brown has been at the forefront of studying childhood and investigating which factors are linked to children growing into well-adjusted happy adults. See Dr. Brown has interviewed over 6,000 people about their childhoods and his data suggest that a lack of opportunities for unstructured, imaginative play can keep children from growing into happy, well-adjusted adults. Id. “Free play,” as scientists call it, is critical for becoming socially adept, coping with stress and building cognitive skills such as problem solving. Id. Free play does not have priori rules, which allows for creativity. Id. “This creative aspect is key because it challenges the developing brain more than following predetermined rules does.” Id.

I hear families speak about organized sports as a necessary component of childhood development. I want to make clear that organized sports are completely different from free play. Free play occurs when children are given the space and time to just BE. There are no screens and no adults directing their behavior. In fact, when adults simply observe children and only intervene for serious safety reasons, children will prove to be quite adept at working things out.  The keen reader will notice that I said “serious” safety reasons. This is because it is ok for children to hurt themselves. I repeat it is ok for children to take tumbles.  

Free play allows children the opportunity to take risks, a highly important part of development. Risk taking requires parents and children “trust the process.” It also shows the child that her parents believe in her. Not too dissimilar from adulthood, when we rescue people, we violate Universal Law because we interfere with their Free Will. It also sends a message that the person is weak. Remember Colin Craven from the Secret Garden? He was the quintessential “rescued child.” His father, Archibald Craven was so worried about Colin becoming deformed in some unknown and uncertain time in the future, he locked his son in his room and told him he was dying. He wished to “rescue” Colin from his Free Will. Colin chose to incarnate in his reality to experience certain experiences. His father violated Universal Law by protecting/rescuing Colin from his childhood development.  

Instead of creating, children are being instructed. Instead of playing, children are being coached. Modern children are experiencing an existence which is completely different from children of the past. However, one thing is for certain the solution is not more education.

Traditional Public Education and Suppression of Children

Compulsory education in the United States exists for children ages 6-16. Each school year lasts for approximately ten months and children must attend five days a week. To attend public schools, parents must meet state vaccination standards for their children. Vaccinations for school readiness commence within 12 hours after a child is born, when parents are told their babies must take the Hepatitis B vaccine (a vaccine that purports to “protect” prostitutes and intravenous drug users from Hepatits B). The sole purpose of vaccinations is to suppress the child’s immune system and make the child a lifelong customer of Big Pharma. Unless the parents understand the “vaccination agenda,” the Centers for Disease Control recommends a child to have had close to 50 doses of various vaccines by the age of 6. The child’s immune system attempts to balance the suppression through fevers, ear infections, throat infections, respiratory infections, eczema, automimmune conditions and various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Then, once the child enters school the system scrutinizes the unique and Divine gifts of the child in accordance with a litany of both federal and state standards. Often times labeling the child with learning and behavioral disabilities. Essentially, the government has appropriated education through common CORE standards, where each standard has corresponding testing which occurs to track the “progess” of students. In addition to scholastic standards, many states are implementing mental health screenings, socio-emotional standards, and diversity, equality and inclusion standards. Children are also being taught at a very young age that depending on their skin color they were born either as an oppressor or a victim. Both are equally damaging to the developing brain of a child.

Laws are being passed which allow schools to treat mental health and sexual health without involving the student’s parents. In Colorado, there are school districts which direct teachers and staff to keep a student’s desire to transition genders a secret from the student’s parents. In addition to gender, schools disregard parental consent with health decisions such as vaccination and fluoride treatment. A parent will sign a form explicitly denying consent for their child to receive a vaccination and the school gives the vaccine against the parents’ wishes and in the face of the child stating the parents’ non-consent to the vaccine. The question most want answered is how can schools get away with hiding material information from parents and expressly disregarding their permissions?

Similar to the state, the education system is designed under the notion of parens patriae. Parens patriae is a latin phrase which means “parent of his or her country.” In the context of education, the courts interpret this to mean that when a parent drops a child off at school, the school becomes the parent of the child. Courts give GREAT deference to schools and the decisions they make regarding the students in their care. This means that when the preverbal “gun goes off” in any legal action, the school is already on the second lap of a four-lap race while the parents are still unloading the car in the parking lot.

Schools are removing activities such as shop, home economics, cooking, recess and replacing them with typing, coding, and computer learning. Students are assigned an iPad or laptop to use, and less emphasis is being placed on important development activites such as cursive handwriting and outdoor play. Instead of using natural fibers within the classroom, students have plastic toys, plastic playgrounds, screens, and fluorescent lighting.

With the advent of school shootings, students engage in active shooter drills where police officers come into the schools to simulate another student murdering other students. Many are not aware that school shooters have undergone MK Ultra programming and are controlled through handlers and pharmaceutical drugs for mental health. These acts of violence are not committed by average children who have mental illness. Instead, these shootings are unfortunately intentional and part of a greater plan.

It is no wonder that mental health is on a steep decline amongst those 18 and under. There is absolutely nothing in the traditional public education model which has any benefit to children. Yet, parents choose to stay in the traditional public-school setting. Why?


When parents find out that my children are homeschooled and unschooled, the most common responses include fears and mistaken beliefs about homeschooling. Occasionally, a parent will speak about his experience “trying” homeschooling and why it did not work. Other parents speak about their financial situation and why both parents have to work. I am not here to disparage anyone’s personal reasons as to why homeschool does not work for their family. Instead, I hope that my words will assist those whose hearts and intuition are awakened to the “agenda” which is public education.

Homeschooling is creation at its core. A family is free to create its own beautiful symphony of resonance which aligns in the present moment. What do I mean by this? Including both the macro and micro views, a family is free to create the big picture and the tiniest detail. Each homeschool is a unique one-of-a-kind experience. I have friends who focus solely on unschooling. Unschooling is project-based schooling where children decide what they want to learn. For example, a child who resonates with mythology may choose to spend 8-weeks focusing on Scandinavian, Greek, and Ancient Chinese mythology. After 4-weeks, the child may decide she has had enough mythology and choose to move on to animal studies. Unschooling empowers a child to discover and determine what she enjoys and what is interesting to her.

Homeschool schedules range from 2 days a week to 5 days a week. Some families purchase curriculum to assist with their homeschool journey. Others purchase land and teach their children through farm life. I have known families that sold everything, purchased an RV and used travel as their teaching modality. There is NO wrong way to homeschool.

With the advent of the internet homeschool parents always have resources, play groups, and enrichment activities should they choose to use them. Usually, the longer that a family homeschools the less interest they have in engaging with homsechool support resources. It feels amazing to separate from the systems and most never return.     

Testing, Quizzes, Grades, Oh My!

Many homeschool families do not agree with testing. Testing includes standardized testing, exams, and quizzes. Almost immediately, a parent will ask, “Well how do you know where they are at?” This is a very loaded question with many different and possible motivations which depend entirely on the person asking the question.

In my house this question/topic is never asked/discussed. First, I believe that we choose our experiences and our families in each lifetime. These experiences are for our Highest Good and assist our soul growth. Thus, I know my children chose their parents specifically for certain experiences. Second, we do not align with 98% of what traditional education has determined to be relevant. The most important aspect of homeschool is to observe the development of the Whole Child, which includes mental, physical, etheric, aural and Divine aspects of the child. Finally, once a person understands that the system of education is intentionally designed to suppress children it is not difficult to detach from any expectations associated with it.

The Universal Picture

The education system is at the epicenter of suppression and indoctrination. Education occupies almost two decades of one’s life and depending on what a person strives to “be,” education can consume almost three decades. However, children do not need to “be” anything, they already ARE. The system of education is an inversion which perverts the Divinity of children. It is time for parents to realize that homeschool is simply Creating with their children. Creation is the highest form of Divinity.   

Here are links to a podcast I recently did regarding this topic:


Actual Innocence.